The Immune System

The human immune system is both fascinating and complex, and it is also our defense against foreign invaders that create infection and illness. In this time of a global pandemic, people are thinking about immunity more than ever, and strengthening the immune system is vital to remaining healthy by quickly defeating a bacteria, virus, or other type of pathogen.
As important as the immune system is to our long-term health, very seldom do we hear how to make it stronger. Instead, we are repeatedly told to take medicines, get tests, and so on, but shouldn’t we make our own immune systems as strong as possible? The answer is yes! A strong immune system is critical to long term health, so this article will explore the human immune system and provide a simple way to add a boost to your immune system.
The human immune system consists of an Innate Immune System and an Adaptive (or Acquired) Immune System. We are born with the Innate Immune System, and as we encounter pathogens throughout our life, the Adaptive Immune System continues to develop the ability to fight new pathogens that invade our body. Yes, our immune system learns to fight new pathogens on a regular basis.
The organs and systems that develop and support our immune system are spread throughout the body and consist of the following:
- Part of the Lymph system. White blood cells circulate through the adenoids in search of pathogens. Adenoids appear to be more important during our youth.
Bone Marrow
- Produces Stem cells which create red blood cells (which carry oxygen), white blood cells (which fight pathogens), and platelets, which aid in blood clotting.
Lymph Nodes
- Serve as filters that also contain lymphocytes which are a type of white blood cell that destroys pathogens.
Lymphatic Vessels
- Carry the lymph fluid and run parallel to circulatory vessels and effectively bath and filter our body’s tissues.
Peyer’s Patches
- Part of the lymph system that resides in the small intestines and identifies pathogens that enter the digestive system.
- Filters damaged and dead red blood cells and antigens (antibody generator) out of the blood and produces vital immunostimulants, which are substances that increase the immune system’s ability to fight illness and infection.
- Produces hormones that cause lymphocytes to develop into T-cells and help fight infection and illness.
- Tonsils are the first line of defense against pathogens that enter through the mouth.
- Produces anti-inflammatory substances, and recent research suggests T-Cells may be housed in muscle and released to fight infection or illness.
We just briefly reviewed the macroscopic structures of the immune system, now we will cover the microscopic structures of the immunes system that represent the invisible army inside our body. These tiny structures are call leukocytes, or various types of white blood cells that fight invading pathogens. There are two main types of leukocytes, and they are broken down into specialized hunter – killers that search for invaders and eliminate them.
Phagocytes are leukocytes that surround, absorb, and break down pathogens. Basically, they eat the enemy invaders that enter the body.
The various types of Phagocytes include:
- These cells are the most common of the Phagocytes, and they hunt down and kill bacteria. Your body is constantly being invaded by bacteria (no matter how clean you try to be), but you never know it because your neutrophils are doing their job.
- The largest of the phagocyte family, these cells protect against invaders and help promote healing.
- Patrol for pathogens and remove dead or dying cells.
Mast Cell
- Hunt down pathogens and are essential for healing wounds.
Lymphocytes are tasked with remembering each pathogen encountered by the body, which enables them to quickly recognize common pathogens and destroy them.
The Lymphocytes consist of:
B Lymphocytes (B Cells)
- These cells are responsible for producing antibodies, which are protein compounds that enable the leukocytes to recognize viruses and bacteria and quickly destroy them.
T Lymphocytes (T Cells)
- These cells destroy other cells that have been compromised by pathogens and they alert other leukocytes of the invader.
The B and T cells are responsible for determining the immune system response to a pathogen that has invaded the body.
Immune System Function
To say that the immune system is complex is an understatement, but I will try to provide a very basic overview of how the immune system responds to pathogens. First, we must understand that pathogens can be bacteria, viruses, or fungi, and our bodies are constantly exposed to pathogens day and night. We come in contact with these tiny invaders through the air we breathe, the things we touch, and the food and water we consume. When our immune systems are strong, we never know there is a war within, because the immune system destroys the pathogens before they make us sick. So how does all this happen?
First, invading pathogens are quickly recognized by B Lymphocytes, which identify the antigen (molecular structure) on pathogens and determine if the antigen is an enemy invader or a friendly cell. If the invader is a pathogen that the immune system has encountered before, the B Cells immediately recognize it and activate the T-cells and Phagocytes, which handle the business of eliminating the threat. If the pathogen is a covariant strain of a virus, such as one of the many covariant types of the common cold, it may take longer for the immune system to react, but the B Lymphocytes and T Lymphocytes quickly learn and adapt and mark the pathogen for destruction. Viruses are especially tricky due to their ability to hide inside our cells (yes, they are that small), but that does not stop the immune system from finding the virus and moving it to the surface of the cell where it can be destroyed. Once the pathogen has been identified, it is marked for destruction, along with the cell it attached itself to, and the Phagocytes move in and absorb, dissolve, and destroy the invaders. The T Lymphocytes also destroy cells that have been compromised by pathogens, and the T Lymphocytes are crucial in the battle against cancer, as they demolish the mutated cells that form tumors.
The numerous filtering organs of the immune system remain hard at work filtering out dead, damaged, and dying cells, as well as pathogens. It is very important that all these systems function well so we can enjoy good health. Most of us stay quite healthy, because of following an active lifestyle, building muscle and strength, and eating clean. However, there are times when we get run down, dehydrated, stressed out, and exposed to a lot of pathogens. As a matter of fact, the four places where the most pathogen exposure occurs are Gyms, Schools, Airports, Hospitals and Doctors’ Offices. It is when we get “run down” physically and exposed to a high pathogen density area, that we are in danger getting sick. So, what can we do? How can we give our immune system a boost when we need it most? We can take Max Effort Muscle Immune Booster which gives your immune system a supercharged nutrient boost to strengthen it for the toughest battles. This can help you fight off illness or, if you do get sick, it can reduce the severity and length of sickness.
Max Effort Muscle Immune Booster
What is in Max Effort’s Immune Booster that strengthens your immune system? Well, first, we need to understand how we strengthen the immune system. The immune system relies on the ability to generate red and white blood cells. The white blood cells, or Leukocytes, are critical for taking on and wiping out pathogens. If we cannot generate these cells, we will quickly become ill. The immune system also relies heavily on a healthy Lymphatic System, and healthy filtering organs to keep the body free of bacteria, viruses, fungi, and toxins. With this in mind, the nutrient blend in Max Effort’s Immune Booster provides our immune system with the tools it needs to remain strong.
Immune Booster Ingredients
- Calcium enables T-cells to utilize glucose for energy so they can fight infection. Calcium also helps the immune system respond only to pathogens, instead of an autoimmune response where the immune system attacks the cells of the body.
- Potassium is vital for cell health and function.
Vitamin C
- Vitamin C protects the white blood cells (Lymphocytes and Phagocytes) so they can successfully fight infection and illness. The Phagocytes and T Lymphocytes must have Vitamin C to function.
Thiamin (Vitamin B1)
- Thiamin is very important for strengthening the immune system, especially during times of stress. Stress can significantly weaken our immune system.
Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)
- Riboflavin enhances the body’s energy levels and is also responsible for recycling an antioxidant called Glutathionine, which is one of the most potent antioxidants in the body. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals, which can also weaken the immune system and damage cells in the body.
Niacin (Vitamin B3)
- Niacin is very important for reducing inflammation in the lungs, which enables the immune system to eliminate pathogens that enter our lungs.
Vitamin B6
- Vitamin B6 is responsible for the production of white blood cells and T-cells (T – Lymphocytes) which control the immune system response to pathogens. Vitamin B6 also helps in the manufacture of the protein, Interleukin – 2.
Folic Acid
- Folic acid is converted to Folate in the body and is responsible for red blood cell production and Folic Acid also protects cell DNA and RNA from mutations.
Vitamin B12
- Vitamin B12 is responsible for the production of red and white blood cells.
Pantothenic Acid
- Pantothenic Acid provides the immune system with the ability to fight against bacteria. Also aids in the production of red blood cells, protects the digestive system, and protects the health of the nervous system.
- Magnesium strengthens the two branches of the immune system, Innate Immunity and Adaptive Immunity by acting as a co-factor for chemical reactions that aid the immune systems fight against infection or illness.
- Zinc plays a key role in activating enzymes used by white blood cells to break down the proteins in bacteria and viruses. Zinc also acts as an anti-inflammatory.
- Manganese is an antioxidant and an anti-inflammatory.
Chromium Picolinate
- Chromium Picolinate regulates Leukocyte (white blood cells) activity and has both an immunostimulatory and immunosuppressive function, which effectively controls the action of the immune system.
- Echinacea is responsible for stimulating the production of white blood cells (Leukocytes).
As you can see, Max Effort Muscle Immune Booster is loaded with immune boosting nutrients that can help keep you illness free. Take this product during times of stress, exposure to other individuals who are ill, when you travel, or when you are feeling run down, and it will give your immune system the boost it needs to fight off illness. Immune Booster is great tasting, mixes well with water, and also mixes very well with Max Effort Muscle Green’s to give your immune system a super boost. Try Max Effort Muscle Immune Booster today!!!