Mastering Strength & Functionality: Zercher Split Squats and Tempo Pull-ups w/ Colin Masterson | MAX EFFORT MUSCLE SUPERSETS

Mastering Strength & Functionality: Zercher Split Squats and Tempo Pull-ups w/ Colin Masterson | MAX EFFORT MUSCLE SUPERSETS

Hey there, team!

As we dive into the summer season and athletes are getting back into their training routines, it's never too early to plan ahead. When it comes to effective programming, one strategy to consider is reverse engineering.

This means envisioning the desired outcome of your athletes at the end of a training cycle and working backward to their starting point.

Now that we've covered the concept of reverse engineering in programming, let's explore one of my all-time favorite super sets that I love to incorporate into training regimes.


The Power of Zercher Split Squats and Tempo Pull-ups

There are several reasons why I highly recommend this super set:

1. Functional movements for sports: Both the split squat (zercher) and the pull-up (tempo) offer functional benefits that directly translate to athletic performance.

2. Strengthening through split squats: Split squats are exceptional for building strength that carries over to various sports. They provide a fantastic opportunity to load up and enhance overall athletic prowess.

3. The pull-up: Often referred to as the squat of the upper body, pull-ups are exceptional for developing upper body strength, improving scapular health, and promoting good posture.

4. Harnessing the power of TEMPO: Incorporating tempo variations into these exercises allows for increased time under tension. This approach effectively enhances strength and provides coaches with valuable insights into movement patterns.

If you're seeking a challenging workout that pushes your limits, combining these two exercises will undoubtedly put you to the test.


Here's an example to get you started: 

Mastering Strength & Functionality: Zercher Split Squats and Tempo Pull-ups w/ Colin Masterson | MAX EFFORT MUSCLE SUPERSETS


Zercher Split Squats: Perform 4 sets of 5 reps per leg with a tempo of 3-1-X.

Tempo Pull-ups: Perform 4 sets of 6-8 reps with a tempo of 3-1-X.

*Feel free to explore variations within this super set, such as adjusting the load, volume, exercise selection, or time under tension.


Wishing you productive and rewarding training sessions!

Colin Masterson
Owner - CM1 Performance
Max Effort Muscle - Ambassador

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