The Value of Being Constantly Curious

Always be curious
One thing I've been most consistent with throughout my career is always being curious - especially in the health & fitness industry.
Full immersion and focus in pursuit of mastery.
How to be curious
Full immersion into all different types of diets and lifting protocols.
Being the guinea pig, being my own science experiment, and trial & error testing.
Learning and asking questions from high-level mentors and coaches from all walks of life - bodybuilding, powerlifting, Olympic weightlifting, nutrition, and the medical community.
Create mild separation
Daily mild separation.
That's the key to getting to where you want to go. Daily mild separation, compounded over time, creates major separation.
This became even more obvious when my early lifting partners kept fizzling out. They had girlfriends, bullshit popped up, or they just stopped showing up.
What was the difference? I just didn't miss.